Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Success! Golf de Morfontaine

Well, I made it.

I have played Golf de Morfontaine (ranked #47 in the world). I will do a full write-up of the course in due time, and I found a big surprise while there. For now suffice it to say it truly deserves its high place in the world of golf.

The clubhouse at Morfontaine

The first tee at Morfontaine

Au Revoir, for now.

1 comment:

  1. みんなの精神年齢を測定できる、メンタル年齢チェッカーで秘められた年齢がズバリわかっちゃう!かわいいあの子も実は精神年齢オバサンということも…合コンや話のネタに一度チャレンジしてみよう
